Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
From Porsche Boxster to Cayman in 3 months!

This is a little hobby project I had taken up since I got my first Porsche this year. It consumed all-in-all about 3 months (and quite a sum as well!) before this end product: a hardtop coupe i.e. Cayman 2.7 look-alike. Hence the new badge! :)
Well, a little nip & tuck plus facelift did do wonders to hide better a vehicle's age, much like a
By the way, the coupe you see above may be for sale if the price is right. Hmmm...a larger displacement 911 (997 series) would be nice, in the 'evolution' of things!
Email me at if you're interested. (Sorry, for sale in Malaysia only)

Related post:
2001 Porsche Boxster vs Mazda MX5
Monday, December 28, 2009
Alfa Romeo 8C Spider Car Wallpapers
production of the Alfa 8C Spider will be limited to 500 units only!!
Acura nsx 2008
Friday, December 25, 2009
Michael Schumacher confirmed for MERCEDES GP PETRONAS

Michael's return to racing with MERCEDES GP PETRONAS sees his return to Mercedes-Benz Motorsport where he began his racing apprenticeship as part of the Junior Programme in 1990, racing in Group C sports cars and DTM, and sees Michael renew his partnership with Ross Brawn with whom he won all seven of his World Championships.
Nico Rosberg: "It is fantastic that Michael is returning to Formula One and will be my team-mate at MERCEDES GP PETRONAS. It's a great challenge for me to be up against one of the best drivers of all time. I'm sure that we will form a very strong partnership as he will have lost none of his speed! It is also great news for our sport and the fans."
Ross Brawn, Team Principal of MERCEDES GP PETRONAS: "I am delighted that we can confirm today that Michael will make his much-anticipated return to Formula One next year and drive for our MERCEDES GP PETRONAS team. As seven-time World Champion, Michael's outstanding record in Formula One speaks for itself and I am looking forward to working with him again. With the completion of our driver line-up, I believe that we now have the most exciting partnership in Formula One with Michael and Nico, who provide the perfect mix of talent, experience, speed and youth. We can now turn our full attention to the preparations for the new season and everyone at MERCEDES GP PETRONAS is extremely excited about the challenge ahead. With the investment and support in our team provided by Daimler, Aabar and our new title partner Petronas, and with two such exciting drivers, we have all of the building blocks in place to have another successful season in 2010."
Norbert Haug, Vice-President of Mercedes-Benz Motorsports: "In April 1991, when I had been in charge of the Mercedes-Benz Motorsport programme for just six months, Michael was standing beside me on the balcony one evening. Without the slightest doubt, he said in a low voice: "It's about time that I got into Formula 1". Michael had just turned 22 years of age and four months later, he made his debut at Spa in a Jordan. Mercedes-Benz helped him to this point and the rest is history: seven World Championship titles, more than any racing driver, 91 Grand Prix wins, more than any racing driver. Michael has more of everything than every other driver. As part of the Mercedes Junior Programme, Michael had raced in Group C sports cars and competed in a few DTM races. Ross Brawn, then our opponent at Jaguar, quickly realised Michael's talent and they went on to win all seven of his Drivers' World Championship titles together at Benetton and Ferrari. Our sporting ambition has always been that Michael should drive again where his professional career had started and Michael knew that. We often joked about it after the races and discussed the prospect seriously several times during the last 14 years in Formula 1.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Ford Focus 1.6 Flex

A vers�o GL vem de s�rie airbag ar-condicionado, frontal duplo, travas, dire��o hidr�ulica, vidros e retrovisores el�tricos, CD Player compat�vel com MP3, ajuste de altura dos far�is e rodas de aro 16�. Na vers�o GLX traz ainda vidros el�tricos nas portas traseiras, ma�anetas e retrovisores na cor do ve�culo e descansa-bra�o para o motorista.
Veja pre�os das novas vers�es 1.6 Flex do Focus 2010:
GL 1.6 Flex � R$49.900
GLX 1.6 Flex sem ABS � R$51.400
GLX 1.6 Flex com ABS � R$52.400
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Audi A8 ter� Google Earth no GPS

O sistema permite navega��o em 3D que pode ser comandada pela tela de LCD de 8 polegadas, do tipo touch screen.
O sistema ainda permite inclu�do um Modem UMTS que d� acesso � internet, o que possibilita fazer downloads de mapas e transferir dados do sistema de navega��o por sat�lite.
Plymouth Cuda Super Twin-Turbo contra Enzo Ferrari
Para acabar com esta duvida veja no v�deo abaixo o desafio do Cuda Super LMC, depois de uma reforma total, contra o Enzo.
Fotos da Reforma do Cuba AQUI
All-New Hyundai Tucson

Hyundai Motor Co is on a roll for the new decade: their daringly suave and stylish revamped all-new Sonata barely settled into our visual cortex of our grey matter, their superb Theta II GDI engines and in-house new 6-speed auto 'box have been revealed for very-near future applications. Now, here comes another 'wow-factor': their mid-size SUV, new Tucson replacement model for year 2010.

The all-new Tucson will only be offered initially with a 2.4-litre four-cylinder petrol, capable of 176 hp and 228Nm of torque. Transmission options include a 6-speed manual or an all-new 6-speed automatic. A 2.0-liter Theta II engine will be available later in 2010, perhaps that will be the likelihood variant seeing the light of day in Malaysia. In Right Hand Drive (RHD) configuration of course!
Hyundai Azera/Grandeur gets updated for 2010
Hyundai Motor Co. began receiving orders today for Grandeur (Azera) facelift that offers more luxurious exterior than the preceding model and a variety of upgraded features to attain more safety and convenience.
With its design focus on a progressive concept, Grandeur Facelift is reborn with more prestigious exterior. The facelift possesses overall dynamic and luxurious image with the differentiated designs of bumper, lamp, radiator grill, muffler and etc.

Securing the best stability in its class, all models of Grandeur Facelift are basically equipped with Vehicle Dynamic Control(VDC), dual front and side curtain airbags for the event that a crash is unavoidable.
The price ranges from 27.1 million won to 28.9 million won for models with 2.4 Theta(?) II VVT engine, from 29.8 million won to 34.0 million won for models with 2.7 Mu(�) V6 DOHC engine and from 35.9 million won to 39.8 million won for models with 3.3 Lambda(?) V6 DOHC engine (approximately US$23,214 to US$34,038, based on today�s currency exchange rates).
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Peugeot 308 Turbo is NST-Maybank Car of The Year 2009

A panel of 10 judges, comprising motoring editors, an automotive blogger and other distinguished personalities unanimously voted for the Peugeot 308 Turbo as winner of the coveted �Overall Car of The Year� based on its impressive handling, powerful performance, comfort, safety and value-for-money.
Judges were impressed by the car�s fuel efficiency, and the performance of the 1.6-litre direct injection turbo petrol engine, already an award winner internationally - but it was the 308 Turbo�s competitive price point and build quality that was the key factor in its win. The car also has a full-length panoramic glass roof, the only car in its class to offer such a feature.
The 308 Turbo is completely knocked down (CKD) and consists of imported parts from France. It is distributed by the official franchise holder of Peugeot Automobiles in Malaysia, Nasim Sdn Bhd (NSB), a member of the Naza Group of Companies.
The winner of the Good Design Award is the Toyota Prius. Already the number one selling hybrid car in the world, The Prius was selected not just for its beautifully sculpted shape, but also how much of its styling have been made to help its aerodynamic efficiency. Judges were also won over by the flowing lines of the car�s interior, the overall �cockpit� feel of the cabin, right down to the innovative use of storage space in the car.
The Volvo XC60, winner of the Luxury SUV award, added another feather to its cap by winning the Safety Award for its impressive list of safety features, which include the laser-based City Safety feature, Lane Departure Warning System and Collision Warning with Auto Brake, which uses radar technology for vehicle tracking.
The winners were selected from 68 new models introduced between December 2008 and October 2009, and judges took into account criteria such as exterior and interior design, comfort and ergonomics, performance, safety, emotional appeal, and after sales service including the comprehensiveness of its warranty. Points were awarded to the cars, and the vehicle with the most points wins the category. The overall Car of The Year winner was then selected from the list of 15 winners.
Dato� Dr Ang is the Executive Director of Edaran Tan Chong Motor, Nissan distributor and franchise holder in Malaysia. He was selected for his efforts in keeping the Tan Chong business thriving and making it the icon it is today, all this in spite of internal turmoil and pressure from its Japanese principal.
Datuk Syed Abdull Hafiz is the outgoing Managing Director of Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd (Perodua). He was recognised for presenting a product loved by Malaysians for its quality, reliability and styling, notably the Perodua Myvi.
The Car of the Year Awards is the country�s first motoring award, and was launched in 2002 by Cars, Bikes and Trucks, the motoring section of the New Sunday Times, as a means to acknowledge achievements within the motoring industry.
The event is endorsed by the Malaysian Automotive Association.
A pictorial history of the Mercedes-Benz E-Class by the top-guns of M-B Malaysia (MBM)
Click on all pictures to get a bigger image of the W110 (Tailfin) right through to the W211 predecessors! I guessed my shutter would have missed one or two circa 2nd World War models, but what the heck...I reckon the Tailfin is what most will remember as one of the most iconic great great grandfather of the E-class!
Here's looking forward to perhaps owning a E200 GGI or E250 CGI - both turbocharged -sometime in 2010 or 2011?
Mercedes-Benz Classe E Cabrio

O Mercedes-Benz Classe E Cabrio ter� motores a gasolina, com inje��o direta, e propulsores a diesel, com pot�ncias que variam de 170cv a 388cv. A transmiss�o � autom�tica para todas as vers�es - de seis velocidades para os modelos a diesel, e seis ou sete marchas para os blocos a gasolina.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Jipe TAC Stark lan�ado oficialmente

O fabricante espera produzir 220 unidades/m�s a partir de 2012. O jipe vem com motor 2.3 a diesel, da FPT, com 127 cavalos. Ele vem de s�rie com ar-condicionado, dire��o hidr�ulica, vidros e travas el�tricos, al�m de hod�metro digital e tem como opcionais itens GPS, snorkel, guincho, far�is auxiliares e cinto de seguran�a de cinco pontos.
A suspens�o � independente, e as rodas de 16 polegadas, s�o tem pneus de uso misto. O TAC Stark tamb�m conta com bloqueio de diferencial no eixo traseiro.
O TAC Stark concorrer� com o Troller T4 e o Mitsubishi Pajero TR4. Seu pre�o final do modelo � R$ 98.780.

Monday, December 14, 2009
Escoria��es - 11� parte
Chegamos finalmente a mais um fim de ano e tamb�m ao fim dos posts relacionados ao �Doutor em Motores� espero que tenham gostado e aproveitado bastante. Segue abaixo os dois �ltimos itens sobre Escoria��es o Amaciamento inadequado e Carga ou sobrecarga.
Amaciamento Inadequado
A � Marcha Lenta
Amaciar o motor em marcha lenta, embora n�o pare�a, tamb�m pode provocar escoria��es no motor e principalmente nos an�is.
A explica��o para isso � que, em marcha lenta, a bomba de �leo tamb�m funciona em baixa rota��o e fornece pouco �leo aos an�is, pist�es e cilindros.
Como, al�m disso, as pe�as s�o novas e, portanto, n�o se assentaram ainda, estando bastante justas, poder� ocorrer que o filme de �leo das paredes do cilindro, por ser insuficiente, venha a se romper, causando escoria��es aos an�is.
Para se evitar isso, deve-se, portanto, amaciar o motor em rota��o ligeiramente acelerada, mesmo durante o per�odo de aquecimento.
B � �gua fria no sistema
Outro mau costume � deixar-se o motor amaciando com �gua fria circulando pelo sistema.

Quando se segue essa pr�tica o que acontece � que os cilindros n�o se dilatam totalmente por estarem sendo arrefecidos com �gua fria.
Por outro lado, os pist�es e an�is est�o sendo aquecidos pelo calor da combust�o e dilatam-se totalmente, e com isso, a folga entre pist�es torna-se insuficiente, provocando escoria��es e engripamento.
9 � Carga ou sobrecarga
A sobrecarga prolongada � um dos fatores que mais provocam escoria��es e outras graves avarias em um motor e pode ser identificada quando o motor, operando em rota��o abaixo da normal, n�o consegue aumentar de rota��o quando se pisa no acelerador.
O que acontece � que, durante a sobrecarga, a quantidade m�xima de combust�vel � for�ada para dentro de cada cilindro, de forma que � gerado mais calor na c�mara de combust�o.
Isso aumenta a temperatura e a press�o dos gases de combust�o que, por sua vez, elevama temperatura de funcionamento dos pist�es, an�is e cilindros.
Ao mesmo tempo, porem, o fluxo de �gua � m�nimo, porque a bomba de �gua est� operando em velocidade reduzida, o fluxo de ar atrav�s do radiador devido a baixa rota��o do ventilador e � baixa velocidade do ve�culo e, al�m disso, h� uma diminui��o no lan�amento do �leo vindo dos mancais das bielas e uma redu��o no fluxo de �leo, devido � baixa rota��o do motor. Como o �leo serve tanto para esfriar como para lubrificar, reduz-se ainda mais o resfriamento do motor.
Com isso, devido � soma dessas diversas situa��es extremamente prejudiciais, n�o apenas escoria��es e engripamento poder�o ocorrer no motor mas, tamb�m, a queima do pist�o em um ou mais cilindros; a quebra de an�is superiores, o desgaste excessivo das canaletas superiores, an�is presos e graves avarias em outras pe�as do motor.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Audi R8 V10 no Brasil

A nova op��o de configura��o tem motor aspirado do na posi��o central com 525 cv de pot�ncia. E vai de 0 a 100 km/h em 3s9 chegando a m�xima de 316 km/h.
Vem ainda com transmiss�o autom�tica sequencial de seis velocidades e embreagem dupla (DSG), tra��o integral nas quatro rodas e bloqueio do diferencial no eixo traseiro, al�m do sistema �Launch Control�, que gerencia os engates das marchas.
O R8 V10 est� sendo exposto na 2� Bienal do Autom�vel, que acontece em Belo Horizonte (MG) entre os dias 9 e 13 de dezembro.